Prairie Fresh Food Corporation

Food Safety

Canada Gap Program – All PFFC producers are certified through the Canada Gap Program and maintain effective food safety procedures within fresh produce operations. GAP (Good Agricultural Practises) manuals are designed for companies to use in their production, packing and storing operations. It is also designed for fresh produce brokers implementing best practices in supplier management and product traceability. A 3rd party auditor reviews the staff and operation and assesses the company performance. Manuals are based on a rigorous hazard analysis applying the seven principles of the internationally recognized HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point) approach. The program is recognized by GFSI - Global Food Safety Initiative. Certification indicates the operation has a system of procedures to minimize the risk of contamination to the product.

The CanadaGAP® Program is owned and operated by a Canadian not-for-profit corporation, CanAgPlus. Incorporation occurred in 2012.

CanadaGAP directors and staff maintain management control and oversight of licensed Certification Bodies to ensure services are delivered in a consistent and credible manner across the country. The CanadaGAP Program management system is based on international management system standards and meets Canadian Government Food Safety Program Recognition requirements and GFSI benchmarking.

The CanadaGAP - specific auditor training course was developed and is maintained on an ongoing basis by CanadaGAP. CanadaGAP also maintains updates to the technical standards, including the food safety manuals, Audit Checklist, Auditor Requirements and Qualifications, etc.